
My daughter goes to Middle School. She had an incident today with her chorus teacher. The chorus teacher said “Life would be easier without you in it”. I had to pick up my daughter early because she was in tears when she called me. I was steaming hot and hurt because I know the words hurt. I attempted removing my daughter from the class but now I want her out of the school. She only has five weeks left for school and I just don’t know what to do. A parent conference is only reasonable for them. I have to make my daughter live with these feelings. I have to let my daughter know she is worth everything in life. I want to know is this right? What should I do? I think you are overreacting. Should that teacher have said that? No. Should you complain? Yes. You should ask for a parent conference with the principal present and make your complaints very clear. Leaving town because a middle school chorus teacher said this is a little extreme. You want to show your daughter how important she is, but you do not want her to think that just because someone says something, it can destroy her. The teacher should be disciplined. If this is an exact quote, I am still sure more was said surrounding the comment. Have the school investigate it, but then sit your daughter down and tell her that other people do not decide what she is worth. Coming into junior high with only high school left before she is an adult, she will learn that people will make mistakes, people will say hurtful things, but she should also learn that she gets to decide who matters.

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